Gratis SKETCHING FROM THE IMAGINATION: SCI-FI de 3DTotal Publishing PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
Descripción - Reseña del editor The humble sketch is the foundation of great art, where thoughts and concepts first come to life as an image-but rarely are sketches celebrated like they deserve to be for their power to explore, inspire, and entertain. In Sketching from the Imagination: Sci-fi, a selection of fifty talented traditional and digital artists, ranging from industry legends to talented up-and-comers, have been chosen to share their sketches and reveal the ideas, inspirations, and techniques behind their creative processes. Continuing the high-quality format of 3dtotal Publishing's previous successes, Sketching from the Imagination: An Insight into Creative Drawing and Sketching from the Imagination: Fantasy, this new title is dedicated to fantasy's sibling genre, sci-fi, in all its forms. From doodles of robots and aliens to concept designs for spaceships and speculative life-forms, including rendered drawings of invented worlds, Sketching from the Imagination: Sci-fi presents a handpicked collection of the best sketches and drawings by sci-fi artists from across the globe-each with their own unique style and approach to the genre. Each artist presents an impressive showcase of images from their sketchbooks, accompanied by their own enlightening commentary, and page upon page of useful tips, techniques, creative insights, and invaluable advice for getting your ideas out of your brain and onto the page. Sketching from the Imagination: Sci-fi is not only a must-have resource for any concept designer's shelf, but a stunning compilation of drawings that will delight sci-fi fans and any admirer of beautiful artwork. Biografía del autor 3dtotal Publishing 3dtotal was founded in 1999 as a simple 3D resource website. Over the last decade the site has evolved into one of the premier CG art websites in the world, offering a variety of training products, an inspirational gallery, a free texture library and hundreds of free tutorials on a variety of subjects. In 2006, 3dtotal entered into partnership with Focal Press and launched the popular book series Digital Art Masters and Digital Painting Techniques. The premise for these books was to provide high-quality content that would inspire and educate the next generation of digital artists. Featuring the work of top industry professionals, detailed tutorials and image breakdowns, these series have become firmly established as indispensable resources for every digital artist. After five successful years working with Focal Press, 3dtotal Publishing was launched in early 2010. As well as self-publishing the next volumes in the pre-existing Digital Art Masters and Digital Painting Techniques series, 3dtotal Publishing has launched a number of new titles including: Sketching from the Imagination: Fantasy, the Beginner's Guide to Digital Painting in Photoshop Elements and the successful Kickstarter campaign, Sketch Workshop.
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Detalles del Libro
- Autor: 3DTotal Publishing
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Historia, teoría y crítica
- Tamaño del archivo: 7 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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